| | Your Market Minute Roundup | By Andrew Miller, managing editor, Market Minute Hi traders, Andrew Miller here, managing editor of Market Minute… Beginning today, our team will send you weekly roundups of our Market Minute content every Saturday. This is to ensure you don’t miss out on any of the groundbreaking market insights we publish Monday through Friday. Below you’ll find the latest ideas from our trading experts Jeff Clark, Imre Gams, and Clint Brewer… Regards, Andrew Miller Managing Editor, Market Minute Recommended Link | Bear or bull market, this highly successful trader has shocking new forecast Nobody believed Larry Benedict’s prediction in February 2020. The DOW plunged 3.5%, and he told CNBC, “It seems like there’s much more to come.” Within a month, the market plummeted 34%. Then, nobody believed Larry at the start of this year, either. He predicted that “all the indexes will be negative for the year,” with the Nasdaq leading the way. Once again, he was spot-on. Anybody who followed his recommendations could be well in the black. Now, for the first time, Larry’s coming forward to share a brand-new forecast. | | -- | | Financial genius reveals unusual investment strategy that works in ANY market In Case You Missed It… Controversial: Brace now Something strange is happening in America’s financial system. According to Bank of America, the biggest transfer of wealth in history is underway. What exactly is going on? And what does it mean for your money? Renowned economist Dr. Nomi Prins gave her take and said, “Bank of America’s numbers are absolutely correct… in the years ahead, $150 trillion will change hands, and every single industry will be disrupted.” The way we spend, travel, eat, vacation… Even the way we save money… will be changed in ways few see coming. BUT, if you can see the shape of the events to come, you could position yourself to make huge profits as this wealth transfer is rolled out. To alert the public and to help you prepare, Nomi agreed to film a full interview (for free) with all the details. Nomi has followed this $150 trillion revolution to its logical conclusion. You might find her message unsettling, but it’s critical you act now or be blindsided. Go here now to prepare for this $150 trillion shift. | | | Get Instant Access Click to read these free reports and automatically sign up for daily research. | Jeff Clark Trader 55 NE 5th Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33483 www.jeffclarktrader.com | To ensure our emails continue reaching your inbox, please add our email address to your address book. This editorial email containing advertisements was sent to 2022moneymakers.month1@blogger.com because you subscribed to this service. To stop receiving these emails, click here. Jeff Clark Trader welcomes your feedback and questions. But please note: The law prohibits us from giving personalized advice. To contact Customer Service, call toll free Domestic/International: 1-800-752-0820, Mon–Fri, 9am–7pm ET, or email us here. © 2022 Omnia Research, LLC. All rights reserved. Any reproduction, copying, or redistribution of our content, in whole or in part, is prohibited without written permission from Omnia Research, LLC. Privacy Policy | Terms of Use | | |