Dear Josb,
Invest alongside top VCs in breakthrough fusion technology
You will have seen the worldwide news coverage of the historic breakthrough with the achievement of fusion ignition at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory's National Ignition Facility in California. For the first time, researchers produced more energy from fusion than the laser energy used to drive it.
This advance "will help us solve humanity's most complex and pressing problems, like providing clean power to combat climate change," said US Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm, announcing the historic milestone.
See coverage of the US breakthrough and its business implications in the Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, Bloomberg and CNBC.
OurCrowd is investing alongside top VCs in an Israel-based pre-revenue startup developing a container-size clean energy nuclear fusion generator that can produce enough power for a small city.
Click below to sign a NDA and learn more about this investment opportunity in the clean energy of the future.