Editor’s Note: Below is an interesting message from our colleagues at The Opportunistic Trader that we think you may find very insightful. Jeff Clark's Market Minute Reader, You’re probably wondering what kinds of exotic stocks and sectors I like to trade. Well, you might be surprised... I like to trade the S&P 500. And by that, I mean the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY). That might sound a bit basic, but here's why... I like the S&P 500 because it's pure. Let me explain what I mean... -
You might be bullish on a single stock, but you may not make money off of it. The stock might have a seller you don't know about, or bad news could come out at any point that could rock the company, or a million different things could happen. -
But, with the S&P 500, you don't have to worry about that nonsense. If the market goes up, you can make money trading it. If the market goes lower, you can still make money trading it. It's more difficult to get that kind of pure action in stocks. If you'd like to see how I trade, I just created my very first video with an "over the shoulder" demo. Watch it here. Regards, Larry Benedict Editor, The Opportunistic Trader |